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Showing posts from December, 2018

My 2018 Lessons learned..

Tonight I have so much joy in my heart, as I reflect on this year. We have had so many setbacks yet God ordained our come back. We are on the verge of entering a new season and I am so expectant within my spirit. I cannot contain the excitement. This year has taught to love my family, my husband, my kids and my mother and not forgetting my Bestie Bianca. These were the ones who stood by me this year when I was down and out they picked up. My best friend has been a sister to me in word and deed God has strengthened our relationship so much. The ones whom I thought were my sisters they fell by the way side and made me wiser. Life showed me who will show up and support me. Through all of our setbacks and trials I have learned to trust in Jesus more and less on man. GOD HAS allowed me to accept the things I cannot change and accept people for who they are. GOD has taught me to forgive quickly and continue to pray for the ones who persecute me and cause me harm, God has taught