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Showing posts from June, 2021

God is strategic...

God is strategic God and He is very intentional about His children. When we are fully awake and we sit down to actually connect the dots we will see His hand on our lives all the time. This week I have taken time to pursue God like never before and the things He has revealed to me about my life, how I have actually been strengthened through all the pain and heartache, no one but myself will understand the depth. The scarring inside is not as bad as it was 10 years ago because since then I have drawn nearer to God and I chose to actually allow God in, into my innermost. It doesn't discount the negative emotions along the way but He is faithful and just and vengeance belongs to Him not me. So I need to get out of the way so that He can do what only He can do. I cry today because everything had a purpose and that was to align me with my Destiny. I am finally ALL in for Jesus, holding nothing back.. He is all I need and whoever else enters my life they are by products of His love for m

We are so used to...

We are so used to allowing our current circumstances consume us, we lament we groan and moan and we are often so confused as to what the next step must be that we should take.  The groaning and moaning of How unfair this is, Why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this?  Etc and we find people to complain to but we do nothing about our situations. We then use our situations to fall in abuse of substances and we even turn to other things we never thought we were capable of…because we are so vulnerable and the enemy will use that vulnerability to his advantage. We worry about what this one is going to say. How is it going to look to others? I won’t be able to do this and that? My question to you is, can you afford not to walk away? These are the thoughts that keep us captive. In Hosea 4:6 God reminds us that my people perish through lack of knowledge. So surely when you know better you should do better, right? Look we are all at different spaces in our lives but when we a