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Gossip, to do or NOT to do, that is your choice!!

Have you ever gathered in a group and discussed someone, you know the discussions when a little birdie told you this and that and somehow when the story comes to you then the story has now been made a little bigger a little juicier(not sure if that is a word). Anyway I believe and I know that we have all for the most part been either affected by Gossip or we enjoyed partaking in it no matter who the subject at that moment was, regardless the point I want to make we were all affected by it somehow.

You see in the Word of God is says that we shouldn’t let any unwholesome talk depart from our lips (Ephesians4:29) yet we find it so easy to listen in on “juicy” bits/stories. I am not oblivious to this I have been entertaining Gossip and boy I even part took in it until the Holy Spirit convicted me of it. You see we have a choice to do the right thing or the wrong thing and I can tell you this much, if you were in a group where they were discussing others believe it or not, they will surely discuss you too when you are not around.

I felt really strongly to write about this topic this morning and I know I will ruffle some feathers and you might not like me after this blog, but hey I am not hear to win favor with man, I am hear to the will of my Father who is in heaven, and He requires of me to be the voice of those who don’t seem to have a voice and to stand up for righteousness!! How many of us have been hurt by others who allow the enemy to use them as puppets and they continue to prey on peoples hurt and heartache and peoples weaknesses?

How long are you going to continue to talk about others so that the attention is not on your hurt or your pain? Do you even know what you are doing to others? Do unto others as you want them to do unto you(Luke 6:31), so you talking about them in a negative way, surely means that you want them to talk about you in a negative way, for you will reap what you sow(Galatians 6:1-10), isn’t that right? I find solace in my writing and this topic “Gossip” has been on my heart for a while not because I am “miss perfect” far from it actually but I have seen how people suffer due to this and I can’t keep quiet any longer, people need to be set free. Here are a few Disadvantages of Gossip

Disadvantages of Gossip

  • You hurt the one you are talking about
  • You are speaking negative stuff into existence
  • As you hurt that person in the process you are hurting yourself
  • The value of that person gets depreciated by your words
  • You think you are better than that person, when in actual fact you are not
  • People’s lives gets disrupted by lies, relationships are broken up because of a stupid rumor
  • The Devil is rejoicing because he is the father of lies and you are his puppet
  • You lose your friends because of your lies and because you can’t control your tongue
  • Reputations are ruined as well as characters
“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21

The same amount of energy and effort it takes to speak negatively about someone is the same amount of energy and effort it takes to speak positive things about someone. I am in the business of AFFIRMATIONS and positive speaking and I must admit I did slip many times speaking about someone but I have learned from my mistakes, in Romans “it says we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God”.

Today I want to encourage you friend instead of sowing seeds of destruction sow seeds of building people up whether it be a friend or family or even a stranger, as you sow seeds of good and positivity you will see how the very people will start thriving in whatever area they find themselves and they will be happier and so will you, as you sow with love you allow the Love of God to fill your cup to the brim and you will have more to bestow upon others. Let us make the God we serve proud and stand on His word and speak good unto others, let us invest good into one another and build each other up not break each other down.

Advantages of Affirmation

·        Speaking Truth
·        Confidence builder
·        Love of self
·        Love of others
·        Motivation to do better
·        Thriving takes place
·        Growth takes place
·        Relationships gets stronger

I leave you with this Choice, after reading this which one of these actions will serve you best? Then you make your choice and I know you will choose Affirmations, right? Go and change the world around you because you can be the change you want to see if you do it with pure motives and a pure heart.

“Do unto others as you want them to do unto you” Luke 6:31

Challenge: I challenge you to this, if you find yourself on the receiving end of a story whether it be that someone has lost their job, their heart has been broken, they don’t have money whatever kind of need there seem to be filled, I challenge you to Pray for that person and pray for the person who has started spreading that story too and allow God to work in and through them as well as fill the need whatever it may be!!


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