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Showing posts from December, 2013

Your Inner Peace...

"Don't let the behaviors of others destroy your inner peace ." Dalai Lama I read this quote this morning and I was reminded how I allowed someone else's behavior to literally shake my whole world that it left me unsettled for about two days. People know what they know and act accordingly, what saddened me, is that others may not be as considerate as me, and that is OK and what gave me much revelation is that I am control of me, I can be as considerate as I want to be and because I am that way I cannot expect others to be the same in that regard or for any regard for that matter, what I can do is rise above any occasion and make sure I walk in integrity, another thing I can do is to make my feelings and thoughts known in a proper manner, with much respect to the other person.


Smiles are contagious and that I know for sure, when I smile at someone else they automatically without fail smile back at me. So give the world your best smile it is the most attractive asset you possess...and it is FREE!! It wont cost you a thing!
If YOU don't STAND UP for what you believe in, don't expect others to do so... Standing UP for what you BELIEVE in doesn't need to be with hatred for others AND RUDENESS or even with demoralizing others, STAND UP with pride and dignity and if you a LADY with CLASS, use your linguistics to make your mark and bring your message through that and one last thing, follow it through with ACTIONS as it does speak louder than words, let your actions be as classy as your words...