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Showing posts from January, 2014

Be to others what you want them to be to you...

A few years ago a close friend and I were talking and I was telling her how at that time I decided that I wanted to be the friend I want others to be to me. At that time I only used the "friend" context until I thought about it last week, what if I was to be the wife I want my husband to have and sow the seeds for him to be the husband I want him to be, what if I am the sister I want my sister to be to me, what if I am the confidant I want others to be to me? So I have decided that within my sphere of influence that is exactly what I am going to do and it aligns with my vision for 2014 to walk in love at all times and let love be by motivation. What about you? Are there areas in your life that you know can do with some enrichment? I want to encourage you that today is as good a day as any to start paving a way for a better tomorrow for yourself and your families and friends around you. What am I going to gain out of this: 1. I will be a better wife 2. I will be a bet


Let LOVE be your Motivation for 2014!

I started off the year with this sentence "Let Love Be Your Motivation". Though it reads so easily and it may resonate with your spirit, and so it was with me, I had no idea how difficult applying this sentence would be. Why? you might ask, well for the mere fact that I now had to intentionally change the way I would respond to things that irritate me and ask what would Love do, in this instance? And so I slowly started to make progress, and as I applied this sentence in my life the things I thought would be difficult actually became easy. Things that has changed for me since I intentionally decided to walk in Love: 1. I choose to be kind, instead of being harsh 2. I choose to Love even though I am being wronged (our human nature response to this would be to fight fire with fire) it doesn't work and the person we hurt the most is ourselves and not the other person that are at the receiving end of our harshness or anger 3. I choose to serve, even if I am not being se