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Showing posts from April, 2014

Today we are on Day 18: I am a joyful person

While you rad today's Positive Thought you might be thinking "No I am not a JOYFUL person" well the GOOD NEWS is that inside all of resides the positive emotions of the negative that we always conform ourselves to. You are a JOYFUL person it is a CHOICE away, so choose TODAY to be "JOYFUL" INSTEAD of miserable. Have a JOYFILLED day!!

100 Days of Positive Thinking Day 17: I respect myself

Today we are on Day 17: I respect myself There was a point in my life where I didn't respect myself, an ything went, I didn't have standards, morals integrity etc and I allowed people to treat me any which way they felt like it UNTIL the day I decided no more! I will set a standard for myself and I will do my utmost to keep myself accountable for upholding those standards. How can I expect others to respect me if I don't respect myself? It started with me and I made those changes and today I am proud to say that "I do RESPECT myself" I have found my VOICE though it wasn't easy it was WORTH it. You can find your Voice too, You CAN set your own standards and Today you can decide to RESPECT yourself and hold yourself to a high regard so that you CAN be the BEST you were BORN to be!! ‪#‎ 100DOPT‬

100 Days of Positive Thinking Day 15: "I AM VALUABLE"

Day 15: “I AM Valuable” Have you checked your price tag lately? Have you put yourself on the second hand shelf and allowed yourself to be marked down because of what people has said and because you think you deserve second hand , hand me down treatment? Today is the day to dust yourself off and upgrade yourself to the front of the store where everyone admires you and values you for who you are! Yes, “Oh SNAP! It’s YOUR time to SHINE!!”

Day 12, Day 13 & Day 14 - 100 Days of Positive Thinking

Day 14: I AM Successful - Success is not just in business, success is in all areas of your lives, if you were told in your past that 'You are a failure' 'you will never amount to anything' I want to CHALLENGE you today, to release that limited belief right NOW!! You know the one that says 'I AM a FAILURE' 'I WILL NEVER BE as successful as this one or that one'. Where you come from does not determi ne where you are Going! Find a quiet place and clear your mind, now I want you to bring to mind the one thing that you did that you were successful at, whether it be a relationship, a test you passed, a grade you passed, a friendship /partnership you contributed that is /was successful, a project you did that was a huge success. What are you feeling? Acknowledge the feeling and when you are done. Tell yourself or write down 'I AM Successful'  #100DOPT     Day 13: I have a CHOICE - Its the choices we make in life that affects where we will end up to