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Day 12, Day 13 & Day 14 - 100 Days of Positive Thinking

Day 14: I AM Successful - Success is not just in business, success is in all areas of your lives, if you were told in your past that 'You are a failure' 'you will never amount to anything' I want to CHALLENGE you today, to release that limited belief right NOW!! You know the one that says 'I AM a FAILURE' 'I WILL NEVER BE as successful as this one or that one'. Where you come from does not determine where you are Going! Find a quiet place and clear your mind, now I want you to bring to mind the one thing that you did that you were successful at, whether it be a relationship, a test you passed, a grade you passed, a friendship /partnership you contributed that is /was successful, a project you did that was a huge success. What are you feeling? Acknowledge the feeling and when you are done. Tell yourself or write down 'I AM Successful' #100DOPT

Day 13: I have a CHOICE - Its the choices we make in life that affects where we will end up tomorrow. Today take a piece of paper and divide it in two halves - on the left side on the top of the page write Negative Choices and underneath it list those choices you have made(in the last 3 months) and how has it serve you, on the right side of the page on top write down Positive Choices- list all the positive choices you have made (in the last 3 months) and how it has serve you. Look at the difference, now take a clean page and write atleast 3 Positive Choice you will commit yourself to start it of with 'Today I CHOOSE to...' As you get into the flow of things and feel you need to write more down go ahead until you feel satisfied. Its not about the length of the list its about what you commit to and what you WILL follow through with. Share that list with someone whom you know will keep you ACCOUNTABLE and that will ENCOURAGE you to keep at it.#100DOPT

Day 12: I AM in control - 'I AM in control' Today whatever you are facing, tell yourself 'I AM in control' many times we are left feeling overwhelmed to the point that we feel everything is just falling apart, and then we can't make sense of it, TODAY take a deep breathe in and out, clear you mind and simply try a new approach to your 'issue' that is making you feel like you are out of control. It also helps to speak with someone whom you trust and have your best interest at heart.


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