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Stop and Look!

About a week ago, I had phone issues my trackball wouldn't work and I became very frustrated after numerous attempts of not getting the trackball to work I knew I had to either have it fixed by someone who knows about fixing such things or get a new phone, the latter was not an option, I can't afford a new cell phone so I needed to fix the one I had. After a hard day at work I walked into a shop where there is also a cell phone tech dude, for the life of me I don't know how I never even gave a glance towards this guy and I often go to that shop. He resulted in fixing my scroller and what happened after that was all God, you know that moment when you are so frustrated and you just like saying to God 'Lord! When am I gonna get a break?' And you are close to tears and BOOM! Breakthrough happens, well that's what happened to me last week, this guy not only fixed my phone but he was a great part of fixing my eyes upon Jesus and looking through the eyes of the Lord, in my busyness I never stopped and really took note of my environment, how sad is that we all get so caught up in our own lives that we don't see what God wants us to see, in my frustration God had me STOP! He had me HALT and pause 'selah' for a moment to just take in my surroundings and be open to even befriending a foreigner from Iran, the cellphone tech dude who fixed my phone, who has a name, who is a person , who has feelings and who so longs to just be heard, who so longs to belong, who so longs sincerity, who is one of the most humble people I have ever come across, we are friends now and we talk a lot about anything and everything most importantly I started praying for him, I started encouraging him with the word of the Lord, my friend who's name is Honey Shah is Muslim and he is open to be encouraged and just to be listened to. My lesson for the last week is: Do not get so caught up in your own life that you don't see what God wants you to see, allow God to interrupt your normal routine with divine appointments and see how your heart gets changed towards things you've never imagined possible' even making friends with people who can resonate with you, allow God to use you, there is a hurting world in need of love, care a listening ear, are you willing to STOP and look to see what God wants to show you?
In His Love, Zenneline Louw


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