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THANK YOU KroesRocks!

I met Simone Thomas at the first Cape Town Natural Hair Festival  in December  I bought one of her tank tops the red one (check picture).

First of all, Simone has no idea I am writing this, secondly I am sharing my experience and what has happened since I have attended the first and second KroesRocks Hookup.

The very first lesson I learned from the first KroesRocks Hookup in May was the power of having an accountability partner, someone who will keep you accountable for your goals long after your “lus” for it all has disappeared, this powerful story about accountability was shared by Vrishni Pillay who shared a very raw and beautiful  part of her life and how she had to deal with a difficult time in her life. She is hands down a WARRIOR in my eyes.

My best friend Bianca and I made an agreement that we will follow through with a few things and keep each other accountable and it has been a wonderful experience as we got to keep our commitments made to ourselves and having someone cheering you on makes everything so much more fulfilling.

 One of my highlights of the first Hookup was Simone’s attention to detail, her thoughtfulness of putting each guest names at their seats and she placed us with our friends. Not only that but she made the effort to personally greet everyone and make contact and ask questions that made you feel that you are important.

Yes KroesRocks is a brand yet it is so much more to me, being a part of this brand in that I support it with my whole heart is that it really has blessed me in ways I didn’t even imagine, I don’t give support easily but when I do and I buy into someone’s vision I am ALL in.

Simone encouraged us to have a healthy confidence and that lingered in my spirit. Simone really puts in her whole heart in these Hookups and it really makes everyone feel so special, I know I came out of my shell and I embraced myself and my Kroeskop, I am loving myself more than I have before and being included in these events photo tags etc makes one feel like you are a part of something that is far bigger than ourselves.

KroesRocks was birthded out of Simone’s natural hair journey, this brand has a tagline that says “To cherish what I’ve been given”. This speaks of embracing your true self and as I was doing that for me it had a ripple effect on my family in Namibia, they even started to embrace their natural selves.

So let’s move onto the most recent Hookup, a black and gold affair. We dolled ourselves up in black and gold some of us represented KroesRocks black and gold t-shirts with much confidence. The speakers were on point and the depth of stories shared, I will not even be able to give it justice, you really had to be there to appreciate it.

This Hookup got me to connect with a close friend of mine Mary we have a long friendship of more than 16 years, so these Hookups brings friends together and we get to spend some much needed time and we take gorgeous pictures. I was able to treat my sister inlaw with this event having to be around confident beautiful women , a certain remnant of each lady gets left behind in everyone who attended.

I for one am immensely grateful for this space that Simone creates for us to be able to be fed and encouraged. I feel like God gives her a strategy and though she is nervous right up until the actual event He comes and bless her heart even more when everything comes together.
Simone there are people behind you who doesn’t necessarily have to tell you that you have their backing however God has placed them on your path for such a time as this for your to run with Him towards the end goal, you alone know what that may be because you have shared your hearts desires with Him.

Today I want to encourage you , you have become such a part of my life and I am honoured to know such a beautiful soul, God has placed greatness inside of you and though every single event have you stressed out to the max please know that it’s not just a small difference that you are making, YOU are making one hell of a DIFFERENCE in so many ladies lives through these KroesRocks HookUps, don’t stop please do continue.

There are people behind your scenes that are rooting for you in silence that are praying for you in the midst of your challenges, God sees everything, there is an army that has been set aside for you and you alone and every time you get to put an event like the last twoKroesRocks Hookups together your army is ready and they are covering you.

Opposition will be there always when you are doing what God has called you to do, so amidst all your struggles Simone know that God has really surrounded you with people who have bought into your vision and who will not fall by the way side, they will stand by you through every moment.

Thank you for the space you create for us to enjoy an evening out without alcohol. Thank you for showing me that I don’t need booze to have fun. Thank you for showing me what a sober life looks like. Thank you for showing me that even though I may have my inner struggles I can still show up and be me and love me warts and all. You have been a pillar of strength to me and I am very grateful that I met you last year December.

Thank you for the quality you bring to my life. Thank you for the quality events that you create and thank you for the quality apparel  and accessories that you sell.

I am proud to be a KroesRocks Ambassador ;)


  1. My Dear Friend Zenneline❤❤❤I couldn't have said it better....after the hookup on our way home, I couldn't explain the feelings I felt...Happy, Inspired, Motivated, Uplifted, Rejuvenated...mixed emotions for sure....I had great fun and Simone most definitely got herself another supporter...when my friend Zenobia saw the upcoming event of the hookup, we quickly discussed it and I called Simone....who in turn told me that due to cancellations, there were still tickets a flash I made payment and I purchased a ticket for my sister Millicent who celebrated her birthday the previous week....I then told her we're going to a high tea as I didn't want her to know where I'm taking her....after all its a suprise...and boy am I glad she Enjoyed herself😁#sy kan lekker vol nonsens wees🙈# as she did the big cut earlier this year, I thought to myself she will so much appreciate it to be in the company of ladies whose on the same journey as herself...she literally blossomed when the other ladies were oooing and aaaahing bout her fro....#Kroes Rocks have gained more supporters for sure. #Love You Sis❤

    Zenneline, Thank You for Your Friendship of almost 20years And support...through good and bad times....Thanks for Encouraging Me...When I think of you the verse always comes up in my head: I CAN DO ALL things through Christ who Strengthens me....

    Simone, keep doing what you are doing Sista. Bringing all the Natural Ladies together...sharing with us your journey,. Thank You for the Speakers, Jade, Lana, Vania and the panel. Now we have the tips in going forward in taking care of our crown...#no need to be fake😁

    I was trying hard to hold back my tears when Jade shared her story and at the same time motivating us Ladies...a true testimony that whatever is put on our path we can overcome it and succeed.

    Love you Lots Zenneline and May You Be Blessed Always.

    Mary xoxo


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