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I have three assignments to do and then I am done for this year's leg of assignments in about a months time I start with my final exams for this year.

This morning God took me to an email I received from Unisa in May 2014 where it says that “admission granted”. I Matriculated in 2001, I was declined by many Universities and at that time I wanted to either become a Chartered Accountant or an Accounting Teacher. Well I was not accepted by any University because my marks didn't cut it.

I did study after school because I received a 50% bursary from Standford Business College and I did a year Diploma in Business Administration. I passed top of the Class in 2002.
Fast forward to 2014 I finally got admission to study for a Bachelors Degree, not just any degree but a Bachelors Degree in Education.  At the age of 31 , being a wife  and mother of three, and working full time. As I am writing this blog, I am in tears because God reminded me of His hand over my life , He reminded me today of the things He has made possible.

Having received admission, I was granted a Matric Exemption Certificate at Unisa to study through them, God took care of everything. He has carried me through every year of study, I remember when people used to ask me how long do you still have to go and I would say “four more years” or “three more years, “two more years”, now I can finally say I have 1 more year to go. One more year and 7 modules to complete and then I am a qualified Teacher.

I had to have funds for this study and so I applied for a bursary through SACTWU that is one of the benefits of working in the clothing industry, every year without fail I had to submit the same forms every year for me to get my funds to study. I had to also find ways to fund my textbooks as well as registration fees.

My Church at the time helped me through the members of the Church that donated money towards my first registration fees when I thought I wasn’t going to even be able because of finances, BUT God provided. That’s when I saw and experienced the belief others had in me even when I thought in the natural things doesn’t seem like it will work out.

I soon learned how to be resourceful finding textbooks online and sharing information as well as being able to help other students who had to find their way like me and then in 2015I remember asking God to give me a way that I can fund my textbooks and that is how my knitting business started Knits by Zen, in aid of my textbooks. I took what I had in my hand and put it to good use.

I started buying my textbooks way before the time at minimal cost and my life became governed by spreadsheets and time tables things I loathed however now I can’t do without it because that disciplined me and it has kept me on track. This journey towards obtaining my degree has not been easy and it didn’t come without me having to sacrifice a lot of things however if I look back today I would not change it for the world because I have blossomed and I have grown so much as a woman. I started to really get to know what my thresholds are and set boundaries as to what I could handle.

One of my spiritual Mommies Aunty Baby blessed me with a word when I asked for prayer for my exams and she said “Study to show yourself approved” and I have meditated on that word ever since, it encouraged me to prepare well for exams and assignments alike and leave the rest up to God. He has always come through for me.

I am so emotional as I write this because this is such a powerful testimony, I don’t know who this is for but just know that when you “delight yourself in the Lord, He really does give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4)

Me obtaining this degree will open many doors for me and mean a whole lot of good things that lies ahead for my family and I am in awe of God.

Academically I have passed 27 modules of which I passed 8 with distinctions. I have made such a conscious decision to pray before exams, to pray in the midst of exam preparations even in my planning stages I have covered everything in prayer and I have recited 2 Timothy 1:7 "For I have not given you a spirit of fear or timidity but one of power love and a sound mind"  over and over I have declared it over my life and I have seen the Lord’s hand.

I don’t know who this is for however I want to encourage you that with God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26)

This hasn’t been easy to share because I really don’t dwell on the difficulties I have faced I always just am happy that I came through it.There were times I did want to give up but God always found a way for me to hold on.

Don’t give up on your dreams , pursue them and know the Lord in all of it... (Proverbs 3:5-6)

I hope this encouraged you

God Bless you!!
With Love,



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