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Dust yourself off and try again...

Life hey, things change in a blink of an eye yet when we remain standing in the Lord it feels as though you and I can conquer anything as long as we abide in Him.  

I would be lying if I say to you that I am the optimistic Zenneline this morning because I am not, I am terribly conflicted. However I am finding solace in writing this because I know that someone out there will be encouraged by this.

I reflect alot, on where I was and where I am and where I am going and I see the Lord's hand in all of it more often than not. As I am sitting here writing this with tears running down my cheeks as I feel so sad this morning, a total different experience to the one I had last week however I am thankful that I can still get up and breathe and brush myself off and try again.

It being a new day should be good enough to start afresh but how does one do that when you feel that your whole world has been shaken. I always say that it's not what happens to us that matters it's how we respond to what happens that makes the most difference.

At my times of despair, sadness and confusion I don't look around or try to speak with everyone on what's going on inside of me, I speak to the Lord and if I can't speak to Him, I write in my journal and then I reach out to my confidants and I make a point of connecting so that I can have a let out. Even though God is always there and He promises us to never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). He has also placed specific people in our lives to help us through, to encourage us with His Word and to speak life into our dead situations.

He promised that we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus, and that is what I am holding onto because no matter what I know that the sun will come out tomorrow because He is mighty and He is faithful.

Have a blessed weekend and remember look up and trust Him with all your troubles and cares for He will sustain you ( 1 Peter 5:7)


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