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Food for thought...

  When you are going through a tough time, what is appreciated is empathy. The worst thing anyone can do is probe you to unpack your mess and after that give you their opinion. You know what that does, it makes that person feel like their trauma/ordeal has now been diminished. That creates more anger and bitterness than peace and harmony. So let me ask you, when your friend is going through a tough time, allow them to vent and speak their truth without judgement. Ask yourself the question 'How would I want my friend to respond to me if I was in her shoes?' and then you do accordingly. We are often so hell bent on sharing what we think would remedy a situation that we pay no mind to the scars of the aftermath certain experiences have left behind. Abused victims do not want to hear your thoughts and opinions, what they do want and will appreciate, is love, care, understanding and support. They need assurance that they are not losing their minds and that they are doing the best th
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God is strategic...

God is strategic God and He is very intentional about His children. When we are fully awake and we sit down to actually connect the dots we will see His hand on our lives all the time. This week I have taken time to pursue God like never before and the things He has revealed to me about my life, how I have actually been strengthened through all the pain and heartache, no one but myself will understand the depth. The scarring inside is not as bad as it was 10 years ago because since then I have drawn nearer to God and I chose to actually allow God in, into my innermost. It doesn't discount the negative emotions along the way but He is faithful and just and vengeance belongs to Him not me. So I need to get out of the way so that He can do what only He can do. I cry today because everything had a purpose and that was to align me with my Destiny. I am finally ALL in for Jesus, holding nothing back.. He is all I need and whoever else enters my life they are by products of His love for m

We are so used to...

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My 2018 Lessons learned..

Tonight I have so much joy in my heart, as I reflect on this year. We have had so many setbacks yet God ordained our come back. We are on the verge of entering a new season and I am so expectant within my spirit. I cannot contain the excitement. This year has taught to love my family, my husband, my kids and my mother and not forgetting my Bestie Bianca. These were the ones who stood by me this year when I was down and out they picked up. My best friend has been a sister to me in word and deed God has strengthened our relationship so much. The ones whom I thought were my sisters they fell by the way side and made me wiser. Life showed me who will show up and support me. Through all of our setbacks and trials I have learned to trust in Jesus more and less on man. GOD HAS allowed me to accept the things I cannot change and accept people for who they are. GOD has taught me to forgive quickly and continue to pray for the ones who persecute me and cause me harm, God has taught

Dust yourself off and try again...

Life hey, things change in a blink of an eye yet when we remain standing in the Lord it feels as though you and I can conquer anything as long as we abide in Him.   I would be lying if I say to you that I am the optimistic Zenneline this morning because I am not, I am terribly conflicted. However I am finding solace in writing this because I know that someone out there will be encouraged by this. I reflect alot , on where I was and where I am and where I am going and I see the Lord's hand in all of it more often than not. As I am sitting here writing this with tears running down my cheeks as I feel so sad this morning, a total different experience to the one I had last week however I am thankful that I can still get up and breathe and brush myself off and try again. It being a new day should be good enough to start afresh but how does one do that when you feel that your whole world has been shaken. I always say that it's not what happens to us that matters it'

He works all things out...

And just like that my life has changed, from dreaming of becoming a Teacher and having my own class things changed just like that. I survived my first full week at school. Days of preparation and laying of foundation. As I sit and type these notes, my heart is so full. I am filled with immense gratitude to God for paving the way for me. I work with the most amazing colleagues who have the love of education rooted deep within them. The lesson I learned this week is that preparation is key, if I want my day to flow the next day, I need to prepare the day before so that I can get everything done. When one has had so many trials along the path of life it's hard to believe that relief is here and that it's just teething process we have to get through now. God does give you the desires of your heart when you trust Him to do so. When we submit our plans to Him, He works out a perfect plan  for us. He promises in His word that He will work all things out for our good (Romans