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Showing posts from December, 2010


Awakened to love, awakened to unconditional love in the purest form. 13 days ago, I started a new journey, I was full of expectations, you know have a checklist ready of what you want out of something and making sure that you get what you have “paid for” that was my thinking right, then I got blown away, I started this journey unsure of myself, not knowing who I am anymore, being pulled here and there doing what people wanted me to do and it all seemed OK at that time when I just “went with the flow of things”. No doubt I loved serving people making a difference and that validated me in some bizarre way, but when I stepped into that training room full of strangers not knowing anyone I made a promise to myself that I will give 100% and I will just be me, the Zenneline I know. I instantly connected with someone and I just trusted my unconscious mind all the way, I received the most amazing love from all of the people in the room and we built Rapport instantly and it was amazing, no exp

Empowerment = Liberation!!

I always heard this word in the context of work, jobs skills development etc, but then I heard another instance of empowerment, taking control of your life and of your behavior, accepting your state at that moment and knowing that it determines your behavior, never have I thought so much hangs on your state, when I came to understand this whole concept I was very surprised at what a bad influence I have been in my choices that I made due to the state I was in as that was reflected in my behavior, Empowerment is a powerful word and when you are empowered you are in control, what you believe deep down inside of yourself gets fired up because now you want to make things work for the better take the best moments and learning’s from your past choices and have them serve you toward that which you are striving for towards a better life a better future. Empowerment, I love that word, you are only empowered when you decide to take a stand, only when you decide to take control and change thing