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Having a choice is better than not having a choice...

Ever been someone’s no.1 fan and you literally do everything and anything to get that person’s attention, you find out what they like, what they dislike and you go out of your way to please them, you actually become a "freak", or better yet you start your own fan club of this person, sounds dumb right? But we do that, you walk their walk and you even talk their talk, you have been there have you not? I have, yeah!! Not to mention the infatuation stage, when you call them or sms them daily or bbm or whatever means you use to get to be connected to them on a daily basis, at first they are all for you loving all the attention and all about you wanting to know you and then one day , yes that one day, you know the day I am talking about , there is just utter SILENCE, no word from them to you even though you were the one who still does the sms’s, bbm messages, suddenly the oh so mutual “me being your no.1 fan” and you returning the favor, turns into an irritation, been there, you have admit it, well it sucks right, no matter what the circumstances it isn’t a very good feeling to be rejected no matter how strong you are as a person, however it is a very good thing if you are into learning and taking your learning’s from negative experiences.

"I have been here more than once you know and I have learned that yes I can be an irritation and at times I do it cos I want to ruffle some feathers and other times when I have been your no.1 fan and you start ignoring me and start being cold, I do have feelings you know I am human after all, know this you being like that towards me won’t make me less of who I am it’s makes me better cos next time I aint wasting my time on making people a priority in my life if I am just an option in theirs" I am sure you have said these words to yourself and have actually uttered them aloud to your no.1 fan. But you see we allow these things to happen, we choose to respond whichever way we want to and in the end if it doesn’t serve us then we are quick to blame the other, yet we are the ones who pulled out all the stops, we are the ones who made those people whoever they are so important that we forget about ourselves. You have a choice to choose your behavior and choose the best one that serves you the best. There is freedom in choice!

Having a choice is better than not having a choice...

Why am I writing this blog , well I want you ladies and males to learn from my “stuff” and I would love you all to take responsibility of your behaviors and know that you are in control of whatever you decide to do, this scene might seem stupid or even a little random and who says it actually happened right, and that is my reality not yours but it is a very common occurrence, if you know who you are and how special and unique you have been formed and your mother birthed you and to know that there is only one you, with that shape, that face, that walk(even though we tend to resemble our parents) what I mean is you are absolutely beautiful and you are worth more than you give yourself credit! Just look at yourself in the mirror and look at that magnificence, look at that beauty, look at that awesomeness! Yes you, you know that you are all of that and more, right?

You don't have to follow someone to be noticed, you don't have to be their "no.1 fan" if being their "no.1 fan" makes you less of a person or even makes you feel validated in some bizarre way, you cannot give others such power over you, it's not right and really not fair on them, for some it can become very claustrophobic and for some they might enjoy every second and wouldn't want you to stop and then you get the others who will just take advantage and then they can be very brutal in their actions towards and that leaves you devastated and hurt and worst off than before. You can't change others behaviors towards you but you can change yours towards them and choose the one that serves you best, it's awesome to love and care for others and even be a no.1 fan if you are appreciated for who you really are and not their option...

You can do anything you put your mind to, don’t make others a priority in your life when you are just an option in theirs, you have been born to be the best you, you can be, so take charge and shake off all the limits, and believe in who you are, for you are great!! You are irresistible, you are gorgeous, you are able, you are perfect just as you are and let no one tell you otherwise, if they do well then they are not worthy of your time, and that is my opinion of course!! Looking forward to all of your “coming out” parties, where you are free to be YOU!!


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