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Showing posts from February, 2014

Do not sin in your anger...

I have been troubled in my Spirit today not just today but for a while when I think of a certain someone my blood begins to boil in the way that I get so angry I start to shiver...Today was one of those days where my blood began to boil and I just asked God to take control. Scripture says we shouldn't sin in anger (Eph 4:26)  not because of anything but because it saves us so much trouble afterwards. What I am struggling with right now is a matter I am taking to God, righteous anger (anger experienced when someone is being treated unfairly or taken advantage of, when someone is being abused) , anger that Jesus also experienced yet He didn't allow his flesh to control him and so I am asked to take this matter to God in prayer...which is what I will to do tonight because I am so troubled in my Spirit. Sinning in our anger makes us/ you say things that we/ you will regret in the end and once words are out they are out you cannot take them back, you can ask for forgiveness but

My Goal List For 2014...What's Yours?

In the beginning of this year I made a HUMUNGOUS Goal list for myself and as most of us do we forget about whats on the list however because I made my list with my heart committed subconsciously I have walked towards achieving my goals. Today I want to share my list with you for the sole purpose of you holding me accountable to my goals and for you to encourage me to achieve my goals and fro you t perhaps make your own Goal list and commit to it achieving it... 1. Love More 2. Seek first to understand than to be understood (Listen attentively) 3. Spend more time with God (Pray more, read daily devotionals, Worship more) 4. Spend more time with my husband (I have started to do this and the results are amazing) 5. Spend more time with my family as a unit 6. Spend more time with my kids together and individually 7.Invest in myself -Education - Go study further - Pursue my Teaching Degree (I am awaiting for UNISA'S April intake 8. Pay off most of my Debts 9. Pay my Tithes 10

God turned my TEST into my TESTIMONY...

Yesterday I had the awesome privilege to share ONE of my TESTIMONIES on Air on Radio CCFm 107.5 with JP on Cruise Control. Being on Radio was ONE of my firsts and although I was nervous God spoke through me after the interview I was so overwhelmed I just broke down in tears. A lovely lady she said I must call her "Aunty Barb" gave me a hanky and that reminded me so much of my granny, Aunty Barb asked me to always keep this hanky on me and every time I look at it I must remember to say a prayer for her. What "Mother's heart" she has, I felt so loved by God. See below my Testimony, my prayer is that you will be blessed and encouraged to always STAND on God's Word no matter what others may say! Stay Blessed! In 2011 I was pregnant with our last born Sai Grace Louw, when I was about 13 weeks pregnant the doctors were not very optimistic about my pregnancy so much so that they wanted me to abort my baby, the reason for this was because when I am pregnan

I cant keep QUIET anymore...It's TIME to SPEAK OUT!

We live in a society where the men of today have no respect for women, not only don't they respect women in general they disrespect their WIVES whom they have sworn in front of God and many other witnesses "to love, honor and cherish, for better or worse, in sickness and in health till death to us part" Today I am going to speak about my frustration I have with MEN, men who use and abuse their spouses, men who think that their wives are there to be degraded, disrespected and made feel unworthy. Men who has not even ONCE taken it upon themselves to meet their wives emotional needs yet always are on the go, men who don't take time to even get to know their wives but complain how their wives don't take interest in them and so they live lives of single men. So tell me "men" when will you stand up and take your rightful place in the home of your wife and children? When will you treat and love your wife as Christ do the Church? When will you stop blaming yo

You are...

A Family that Prays together, stays together

A milestone happened last night in our household, I came from work and before I left work I sent my hubby a text asking if we can do some Worship for a few minutes before or after supper. It happened after supper, we put on some Worship and as we were getting into the presence of God, I had a stirring in my heart to pray for a family that is going through what we went through last year. A family that is very close to us and I asked my hubby to open in prayer to get us into that frame of mind. The “we” consist of my husband, myself, our 9 year old, our 6year old and our 2 year old daughters. I stood in awe of God because our girls worshipped Him in spirit and in truth and our baby girl Sai was having a ball of a time lifting her hands for Jesus, what a moment, Ziara our 6 year old sang at the top of her lungs and as my husband the head of our home opened in prayer we all took hands and formed a circle, it was such an awesome picture of a family in UNITY and as the scripture says “W