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God turned my TEST into my TESTIMONY...

Yesterday I had the awesome privilege to share ONE of my TESTIMONIES on Air on Radio CCFm 107.5 with JP on Cruise Control. Being on Radio was ONE of my firsts and although I was nervous God spoke through me after the interview I was so overwhelmed I just broke down in tears. A lovely lady she said I must call her "Aunty Barb" gave me a hanky and that reminded me so much of my granny, Aunty Barb asked me to always keep this hanky on me and every time I look at it I must remember to say a prayer for her. What "Mother's heart" she has, I felt so loved by God. See below my Testimony, my prayer is that you will be blessed and encouraged to always STAND on God's Word no matter what others may say! Stay Blessed!

In 2011 I was pregnant with our last born Sai Grace Louw, when I was about 13 weeks pregnant the doctors were not very optimistic about my pregnancy so much so that they wanted me to abort my baby, the reason for this was because when I am pregnant I have a condition called ITP (Immune Thrombocytepenia Purpura) what this basically means is that my blood doesn’t clot and I bruise easily and to them I was a walking health risk whilst I was pregnant, I also had to be on a cortisone the duration of my pregnancy, I took up to 24 prednisone a day to up my platelet count, it was up and down most of the time in the beginning of my pregnancy my platelet count was as low as 11 and that should not be, in a normal person their platelet count is 200, I never reach that amount, in this time I went through a lot of emotions and when they suggested that I go through with an operation to remove my spleen which could improve my platelet count which was a 50/50 chance and it could also mean that I would lose my baby, I decided not to go through with the operation and just stand on God’s word, I remember going into a meeting with my Doctors and they were not very happy with my decision God gave me a word in Psalm 128:6 that says May you live to enjoy your grandchildren. And may Israel have quietness and peace.

I believed that God gave me my baby to carry full term and regardless of what the Doctors said I just believed and trusted God fully with my pregnancy, at times I did doubt but God kept affirming me in His word the book of Joshua was much comfort for me in this time. On the 10th of January 2012 I gave birth to a healthy baby though underweight weighing at 1420grams she was perfect, today Sai is 2 years old and our very own miracle child, my platelet count going into surgery was 11, I had to undergo a blood transfusion, while in surgery I lost 3 litres of blood as they struggled to remove the placenta which had ruptured and they had to remove my uterus to stop the bleeding. The scripture in Proverbs 3:5-6 that says “Trust in the Lord your God and lean not in your own understanding, acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will make your paths straight” that was a scripture that also kept me in perfect peace.

Before going into surgery a good friend of mine comforted me with a scripture that God has gone before me to prepare the way and that everything will be fine, prayer works I wasn’t nervous I had experienced that peace that surpasses all understanding and God came through for me, He is faithful.

"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; ..." Revelation 12:11

"With God ALL things are possible" Matthew 19:26 you need only believe in Him and have FAITH that He will do what He says in His Word He will do...


  1. Thank you for sharing this amazing testimony Zee. Sai is your proof that miracles happen. God Bless you for listening to his word and believing in him. xoxo Shavy


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