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Showing posts from May, 2014

Happy Mothers Day Beloved!

Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers out there, today I would like to bless you with the following scripture: "The Lord your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17 Mothers let us not grow tired of doing good for in the right time we will receive our reward from our heavenly Father. Stay blessed! In His Love, Zenneline Louw

Friendships ending...

Where I come from friendship is a two way street and for friendships to flourish all parties involved should be evenly invested. You know what I am tired of? I am tired of being used and abused and when I literally can't give anymore then guess what? I am the bad one and I get tossed away like I am 'damaged' goods. Thank you to ALL of my aquaintances that were dressed up as 'Friends' whom have removed me from their lives and the ones whom I have removed. Just a warning to the rest of the world who want to make me their friend, be very careful what your intentions are when you want to be my friend because I will ask you. I know this for sure - I am the friend to others that I want them to be to me. You will not find me take out my frustrations on you, I am too mindful of that, I have however been at the receiving end of others frustrations. Today I refuse to internalize others feelings that they project onto me. I will not be used anymore and be

Time to 'Simplify'...

'Time to SIMPLIFY' God said to me a few minutes ago... I have been in a 'pruning season' since the beginning of the year first I deleted over 200 people off my Facebook, then I cleared out my phone book on my phone and literally removing myself from social networks. I deactivated my LinkedIn account as well as my Twitter Account. Why you might ask? Here's the reason before all of this I was BUSY very busy checking updates for this updating that and it was all futile, however I lost precious moments with my kids, my husband, these distractions have been the cause of many arguments in my marriage. What I have learned is this: 1. Having all of the accounts on social networks actually made me feel 'all over the place' like my energy was all over, when I did remove these distractions I became more centred and at peace.(True story) 2. I wasn't missed, I am still not missed 3. All the people I had on my Facebook, and phone book, not one noticed I was gone or en