If we only knew the power that the negative words we speak of others hold . Words carry weight and even if you don't see the person you are speaking of, those words are energy that is directed at them and they are affected by it and that weakens them . Too often I hear how people speak negative of others with no shame and they validate their actions. The same energy we use to speak ill of someone is the same amount that it will take to speak good of others. Words hurt and they are forever embedded in our souls. We don't know the battles that some people face and yet we are not mindful of what we choose to speak of others. Why can't we celebrate each other? Why can't we speak words of affirmation and build one another up? We choose too easily to speak negatives and dwell on the negative we often forget the good that has been done etc. I am so disturbed in my spirit today of this very thing. Why can't we just treat others the way we want to be treated instead of...
DaughterofMostHighGod.Natural-Woman. Mother.Daughter.Friend.Sister.Encourager.Teacher.EternalStudent