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Showing posts from March, 2017

Speaking positive also a choice...

If we only knew the power that the negative words we speak of others hold . Words carry weight and even if you don't see the person you are speaking of, those words are energy that is directed at them and they are affected by it and that weakens them . Too often I hear how people speak negative of others with no shame and they validate their actions. The same energy we use to speak ill of someone is the same amount that it will take to speak good of others. Words hurt and they are forever embedded in our souls. We don't know the battles that some people face and yet we are not mindful of what we choose to speak of others. Why can't we celebrate each other? Why can't we speak words of affirmation and build one another up? We choose too easily to speak negatives and dwell on the negative we often forget the good that has been done etc. I am so disturbed in my spirit today of this very thing. Why can't we just treat others the way we want to be treated instead of

It's OKAY not be OKAY...

TODAY is one of those days I don't allow myself to have many of... A day where I am extremely emotional and teary and life seems to have gotten the better of me just for today. I don't tend to dwell on my negatives I am known to be the optimistic one and always positive however today I am far from that. I allow myself to be in this space because in this moments of being emotional and allowing myself to cry because they say tears are healing waters. I am very much aware of my surroundings and giving myself this space to just process every disappointment and whatever else I am dealing with. A close friend and mentor of mine told me a few months ago that I should learn to unpack things as they happen and not bottle it all up and then I explode when things just get too much. As a mother, wife and whatever else I am to whoever it all just got too much. Have you ever gotten to a point where you question "Why?"   "Why do I even bother talking non stop with my k

Maths and the gift of TIME...

Since the longest time I have been challenged with Maths. The whole idea of doing Maths gives me the creeps I must say until I had to do the Maths module for my degree and I managed to pass it. Not just pass it but pass it well. I am a Tutor and one subject I steer away from is MATHS because in my mind I still "suck" at it. If you ask my daughters if I can do Maths , they will tell you that I am not good at Maths. Since the beginning of the year I decided to embark on the journey of doing Maths and understanding the new curriculum for Grade 4-7 because eventually I will need to teach Maths whether I liked it or not. I find myself challenged most of the time because I had to sit with my daughter who is grade 4 and help her with Maths and the things I have learned with her is that she knows the answers she just need someone to give her time and sit with her one on one. And so we both enjoy doing Maths together and I also use it as a time where we bond (yes, we bond over do

It's been a while...

It's been a while since I have been writing and lately I have been bursting inside with so many things I would love to share. In the midst of trials I tend to just isolate because I am often thinking that others are going through far worse than me. A few people I hold dear to me and believe me it's a hand full of them, will actually know what I am going through. Today I just want to share a thought that I have been "grappling" with for this last week. It has dawned on me that we are very different in thought and habits and often if we don't intentionally connect with others for our own the connection never happens. I have also learned that Friendships are a two way street, you get out of it what you put into it. I am not a "tit-for-tat" person I do as I want to be done to me . For example if I want someone to greet me then I would greet first or if I want to anything in life, I will sow in that way (am I making sense?). So this thing I have been &q