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Showing posts from July, 2017


What on earth are we birthing when we are always wanting to “by pass” everything? Yes trials and tribulations are daunting and they exhaust us however the lessons we learn in the midst of our trials are so invaluable why would we want to by pass anything? This morning I feel like shouting “STOP TRYING TO BY PASS EVERYTHING IN YOUR LIFE!!” JUST FREAKEN STOP IT!! Lately I am learning that everyone is interested in the mountain top experiences where success is the order of the day, everything is good and everyone is HAPPY. We jump from one place of being okay to the next place of being OKAY. We are not born to live an “OKAY” life. It seems too much work to actually get to the root causes of our issues, yet that is exactly what we need to do. In order for things to change the root must be plucked out so that there is room for new to be established. Do we actually deal with the why’s? Of things,  no we don’t because we have been conditioned to “cope” and so we don’t deal with

I am thankful for...

I learned a valuable lesson years ago about the power of gratitude and there is also a scripture in the Bible that encourages one to be thankful about everything. I think that when we start to make a conscious decision to be thankful in all circumstances we learn to automatically not take things for granted. I also read Ann Voskamp's book 1000 Gifts and this book actually impacted my life greatly. After reading it I started making lists of things I am thankful for and now I literally thank everyone for everything...sometimes I think I get over the top however it's my way of showing appreciation and also my way of showing that I don't take things for granted. I was looking for a particular picture that I was going to use and write a blog about as I reflect today however I just can't seem to find one that would describe fully of what I was going through at the time instead I found many smiley pics of myself. I also learned something about myself lately that was really

No one is always busy...

Such truth in this picture. I saw this picture message on a page I follow on Facebook and it made me think and reflect and I shared it on my page but I didn't elaborate at the time because I was still filled with negative emotions. Then this morning a friend of mine shared it on her page and these are my thoughts about this and I am referring to friendships/relationships with family and just relationships in general. So please allow me to express myself.. What is most difficult to comprehend is that we allow people to have so much space in our lives and they give so little of their time to us...It hurts immensely when you know how committed you are to certain friendships/relationships and you get absolutely the bare minimum and that fact is what is making me walk away from many. Zainonesha had this to say about it " So true...then one has to settle with lame excuses as if our lives are depending on it. Be Honest I would say" Yes I understand that we are all in dif

67 minutes of refreshment

I love what this day means to us as South Africans. It's a beautiful thing to take 67 minutes out of our day to serve others. I am also so aware that making a difference is an on going thing , it's a daily choice to serve others and do good. May I ask that in the spirit of serving today and not to lose the beauty of what this day means, perhaps also take 67 minutes to serve yourself, not in an arrogant fashion but bearing in mind that we cannot serve from an empty cup, as much as we all love to serve others we more often than not forget that we also are in need of care. We often deplete ourselves to a point of self destruction... What would happen if you find that one thing that has always refreshed your soul and do it, fill your cup so that you are able to serve others in a healthy way. So that you are able to serve from a place of emotional wealth. Take some much need time today or any other day to spend with yourself , spend time just listening to what God wants to s