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Showing posts from March, 2014


Today I have this IMMENSE gratitude towards people whom I have known for a season and whom have now either removed themselves from my life with ill intentions or whom has accepted my way of ending our season. I must say I never thought that some friendship doors that I had to close were laying so heavily on my heart and it was holding me back. I do feel FREE and I am moving forward at a pace that is surprising me, ALL GLORY TO GOD! I have such gratitude towards those people who have moved on for whatever reason and I am so filled with JOY this morning that my soul cannot contain it and I want to speak a blessing over each person whom I have had the honor of knowing but who has now moved on, I pray a blessing of GREAT things to come in your life and I PRAY THAT GOD WILL SHOW YOU MIGHTY THINGS AND THAT YOU WILL STAY CLOSE TO JESUS, IN JESUS NAME,MAY YOU LATTER BE GREATER THAN YOUR FORMER, IN JESUS NAME, AMEN! Just a small ENCOURAGEMENT for those out there who is still holding onto to

100Days of Positive Thinking Day 10: I AM grateful for what I have lost for what I have, for what is to come.

Today we continue with  #100Days  of Positive Thinking Day 10: I AM grateful for what I have lost for what I have, for what is to come. An attitude of gratitude for what we have lost makes way for what is to come and an attitude of gratitude for what we have keeps us humble and we appreciate what we have and we are less focused on what we don't have.  So let's take it a bit further, COMMENT below and share with us what you are grateful for whether its something you have lost, you have and something you hoping to receive  . Without you this 100Days of Positive Thinking WILL NOT BE POSSIBLE!

Day 11 of #100DOPT Today's Positive Thought is: I AM all that I need and God of course

Today we are on Day 11 of  #100DOPT  Today's Positive Thought is: I AM all that I need and God of course (Take a moment today and write down the things that you have given energy to that has really NOT served you, the things that has distracted you, the things that has stolen your time) Resolve today that you will remove those things from your life for your own benefit. Happy POSITIVE Friday!! 

100Days of Positive Thinking Day 9: I AM IMPORTANT

Today's Positive Thought is Day 9: I am IMPORTANT - maybe you have always put others first and neglected yourself, one cannot give what you don't have and so you need to put yourself first so that you are your primary concern and so that you are more able to give to others as you have taken care of YOU. It starts with you!

100 Days of Positive Thinking Recap & Day 8: I AM A GOOD PERSON

We are on Day 8 of 100 Days of Positive Thinking and I would like to do a RECAP on the last 7 Days just to remind you how far we have come: Day 1: I am Good Enough Day 2: I am Good Enough (elaborated) Day 3: I am CAPABLE Day 4: I am a Kind Person Day 5: I am a Caring Person Day 6: I am Worthy of receiving Love, Affection & Appreciation Day 7: I CAN say "NO!" to the things that no longer serve m e Today we are on DAY 8  #100DOPT  & Today's Positive Thought: I am a GOOD person. Many times we hear people say "She's / He's a good person" but we never internalize it because when we look in the mirror the story we see is different. We live lives of proving to others that we are good in the hope that somehow being a good person to others that, that will become our reality our truth and yet it doesn't so we continue to do even more. A good person is known by the deeds they do for others but MORE so the deeds they do for themselves that en

#100 Days of Positive Thinking Day 7: I CAN say "NO"! To the things that no longer serve me.

Today is Day 7 of  ‪#‎ 100DOPT‬ , Today's Positive Thought is: I CAN say "NO"! To the things that no longer serve me. Saying NO to the things that no longer serve you is in the context of you ENFORCING or STARTING to put up BOUNDARIES for your own emotional health. You have a choice and a chance to make a change for the BETTER! It's starts with you!! TODAY!

#100 Days of Positive Thinking Day 6: I AM WORTHY of receiving Love, Affection & Appreciation

Today is Day 6 of  #100DOPT  : I AM Worthy of receiving love, affection, appreciation We often put ourselves on the back burner where love, appreciation and affection is concerned, we are used to bestowing all of that on others and we feel that we are not worthy. However if we feel we are not worthy how can we expect others to love us and show us affection and appreciation. We need to learn that whatever we want to receive we should not just pour into others we should first start with ourselves. We cannot give what we are not filled of / what we don't have. It starts with you and me! Start TODAY!!

#100 Days of Positive Thinking Day 5: I AM A CARING PERSON

Today is DAY 5 of  #100DOPT : I AM A CARING person... We are all guilty of at some point of CARING about others 1st before we do ourselves. What today is about is 1. We give (care) for ourselves 2. We receive (care) from others. We give ourselves permission to care for ourselves and to receive care from others. Self-Care Tip #1 : Spend time in a hot bubble bath, wash your hair, cut your nails, pluck your eye brows (4 the Ladies) Self-Care Tip #2 : This one is for the guys, do #1 without the plucking of eyebrows Self-Care Tip #3 : Go get or ASK someone to give you a full body massage to be refreshed and renewed Self-Care Tip #4 : Spend some quality time with yourself listening 2 music, reading a book,watching an inspiring movie Give yourself a break from the busyness of your life, find a quiet place to just sit in silence, or take a walk in a park. If you use your hands and feet a lot to serve others, invest in a hand and foot massage. You are just as important

#100 Days of Positive Thinking Day 4: I am a Kind Person

Today is Day 4 of  #100DOPT . And Today's Thought is: I AM Kind.  Many times we allow others opinions of ourselves u sink deep that it cripples us and we don't see who we really are. Today I want remind you o f the KINDNESS that resides within you. Today I am gonna give you a TASK. Just give you a few things you can do to show Kindness. Remember showing KINDNESS today is more about you coming to realization that you are INDEED a Kind Person. Here is your list of ways you can show KINDNESS:  1. Make your loved one a cup of COFFEE/TEA or even BREAKFAST,  2. Pay for someone's Taxi o nly do number 2 if you are at the means,  3. Give up your seat in the train /taxi/ bus,  4. Say "PLEASE" & "THANK U' & mean it 5. Share you lunch with someone,  6. Carry someone's groceries,  7. Pack away your shopping troll ey when you are done with shopping 8. Write a letter to your children that you have not sp

100 Days of Positive Thinking Day 3: I AM CAPABLE / ABLE...

Today is DAY 3 and Today's positive thought is: I AM CAPABLE / ABLE - no matter what others might or might not have told you, you are CAPABLE of doing ANYTHING you set / put your mind to - 'Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.' Napoleon Hill #100DOPT #EvolutionCoaching

100 Days of Positive Thinking Day 2: I AM Good Enough

I have started a CHALLENGE on my business Facebook page as well as my Facebook Timeline its called "100 Days of Positive Thinking" and I thought I will share it here on my blog as well. So will just pick up on DAY 2 today. I want to encourage you the reader to share this with at least ONE person today! and if you are on Facebook "like" Evolution Coaching to get some cool inspirational pics and more on the days "positive" thoughts. SHARE on your Facebook page and if you decide to join in use this #100DOPT #EvolutionCoaching. Today is DAY 2 and Today's positive thought is: I AM GOOD Enough. Take a moment and look at yourself in a mirror and bring to mind one or two things that you know you are good at. When you are done tell yourself "I AM GOOD ENOUGH". Resolve today that you will no longer allow others opinions of you intimidate you and make you feel any less of yourself. YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH!! #100DOPT  (100 Days of Postive Thinking)  #Evolu

Sometimes you need to distance yourself...

I learned this the hard way (I am referring to the text on the picture) People I thought would notice I am gone were the very people I poured into and invested time into , I invested so much time in them to the detriment of my family and it did hurt I will be honest, however after I  have learned this truth in knowing where I stand, I actually gave myself a gift of letting go because now I HAVE MORE TIME FOR MY FAMILY...I AM GRATEFUL FOR THIS SECOND CHANCE I HAVE RECEIVED.

Thought for the day...

When someone shares something with you in confidence don't go jumping on their issues' band wagon, don't make their issue yours, respect their issue in the way it is presented to you don't go making up your own stories because in the end the person who shared with you has made peace with it and you who has now made it your issue is just showing that you are not that "mature" to deal with the information given, examine your own heart and deal with your issue accordingly. We are all different and we deal with things differently and work through things differently so let us respect the differences, doesn't make my way right and your way wrong. It is what it is

Today is the DAY to: RELEASE your Anger...

                                                        I am sure you have heard that saying “When you love someone let them go and when they come back it is meant to be” something like that, right? I know you might be thinking what has love got to do with “anger” just bear with me and I will unpack it. Ever wondered why you might be so short tempered, snappy for no reason, shouting at your kids for no reason and then feeling really bad about it afterwards,  the thing is afterwards all that can be said is “I am sorry for my behaviour, I didn’t mean it..” well for the most part the harm is done and as we move on the scars of those outburst remains and it does most often then not stay with the recipient of your outburst for a long time until they decide to release their anger. The same goes for us, when we harbor negative emotions one being ANGER it eats us up inside and we become grumpy, irritable and miserable and no one actually wants to be around someone who is GRUMPY and

Just a little story for some ENCOURAGEMENT...

  A young couple moves into a new neighborhood. The next morning while they are eating breakfast, the young woman sees her neighbor hanging the wash outside. "That laundry is not very clean; she doesn't know how to wash correctly. Perhaps she needs better laundry soap." Her husband looks on, remaining silent. Every time her neighbor hangs her wash to dry, the young woman makes the same comments. A month later, the woman is surprised to see a nice clean wash on the line and says to her husband: "Look, she's finally learned how to wash correctly. I wonder who taught her this? " The husband replies, "I got up early this morning and cleaned our windows." And so it is with life... What we see when watching others depends on the clarity of the window through which we look.  Let us not be so focused with others lives that we forget to tend to our own.