I learned this the hard way (I am referring to the text on the picture) People I thought would notice I am gone were the very people I poured into and invested time into , I invested so much time in them to the detriment of my family and it did hurt I will be honest, however after I have learned this truth in knowing where I stand, I actually gave myself a gift of letting go because now I HAVE MORE TIME FOR MY FAMILY...I AM GRATEFUL FOR THIS SECOND CHANCE I HAVE RECEIVED.
TODAY is one of those days I don't allow myself to have many of... A day where I am extremely emotional and teary and life seems to have gotten the better of me just for today. I don't tend to dwell on my negatives I am known to be the optimistic one and always positive however today I am far from that. I allow myself to be in this space because in this moments of being emotional and allowing myself to cry because they say tears are healing waters. I am very much aware of my surroundings and giving myself this space to just process every disappointment and whatever else I am dealing with. A close friend and mentor of mine told me a few months ago that I should learn to unpack things as they happen and not bottle it all up and then I explode when things just get too much. As a mother, wife and whatever else I am to whoever it all just got too much. Have you ever gotten to a point where you question "Why?" "Why do I even bother talking non stop with my k...
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