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This hat I wear called "Mommy"

After having a week from "hell" last week. I woke up Friday morning and my back was aching and my neck was somewhat stiff. My chest was tight and I ended up staying home. Then I took pain meds and I slept for most of my Friday. I also decoded to switch my phone off and just be "unplugged" for the day. That was the plan...

I lasted for the maximum two hours trying to be "unplugged"  (It's not as easy as it sounds, hey!) however what I noticed when I did switch my phone back on was that there was no messages. I think it was because my intention was put out there and I said "Lord, I do not want anyone to message me today." And low and behold no one did!

I took this past weekend to get back on track with my daughters. Friday was MY day call it "PJ DAY" (I did absolutely nothing except knitting). Saturday morning I woke up and my five year old daughter Sai, is the first one up after me and I decided to just lay with her. I made her breakfast and we watched a movie together. She loves undivided attention and the fact that we were watching a movie was very special to her, my life gets quite busy and they then end up watching movies without me. We watched "Picth Perfect 2". So after that I could tick off my list "Time spend with Sai" tick.

Later Saturday I decided to play games with my middle daughter who's name is Ziara (nine years old) and she loves playing card games, scrabble and dominoes. I opted for a card game and we played twenty five card. I often dislike playing games with her because she gets upset if she loses however even though I won I wanted to just connect with her and that was lovely. Two daughters down one to go right. Well I also decided to do their holiday hair. SO what's holiday hair, basically I do a wash and rinse and after conditioning I make lots of plats (See pic) that last for most of the holiday. Saving me lots of time and I don't need to brush hair everyday. If you have three daughters like me "time" is a commodity. While washing their hair I could have small chats with them and just connect on an emotional level.

I was enjoying the moments I had with them, later on in the spirit of supporting "Local" I decided to have an Afrikaans Movie Marathon. The titles are "Eintlik Nogal Baie" Andre Lotter acts in the lead role (He is Rickus form 7de Laan) it really is a beautiful story. A story about making every moment count and to say what you want to say before it's too late. I also watched "Vir Altyd" Pieter and Annelie from 7de Laan acts in this one and it was a beautiful story of love and the strong bonds one can form with someone. There was another one that I watched called "Alles Wat Mal Is", this was a story about a mother who lost her identity in Motherhood and being a wife she forgot about herself because she became a mom and eventually she took back control of her life. I enjoyed that movie because there was alot that I could resonate withEven if you are not an Afrikaans movie person, give it a try believe me the stories told are beautiful and it has subtitles. 

Getting back to my connect time with my girls. Sunday I made lunch and this was the time I decided to teach my eldest daughter Zhanne (she is twelve years old) how to make dessert and our family favorite is cheesecake. I still told her "consider this our bonding session", she then gave me this fond smile as to say "I love this Mom". For her first try under my supervision, t he cheesecake came out beautiful. Another successful bonding session.

We ended our time together by cleaning our car and when hubby came home we had lunch and watched another Afrikaans movie together as a family. This one we watched was "Sonskyn Beperk." A story about Family, honesty and yes love in the end.

What I learned in my sort of unplugged state (I didn't leave my phone off, I switched it on every two to three hours and off again. I did however managed to switch off my data). So the lesson in this is that my girls didn't care what I did with them as long as I did it with them. As long as I was there with them, present with  them and not spaced out in my own world. I intentionally made time for them and I felt good because I have been lacking in that department because I am constantly busy with some project or knitting order. However seeing my girls faces light up because I carved out time for them, now that, is priceless.

I love what Mother Theresa says "If you want to change the world, go home and love your family". That is what I did and somehow I got perspective of why I do what I do for my family. 

What I want to say to you reading this especially if you have children. Intentionally carve out time for them and see how your relationship grow stronger and your home life will be much more enriching. I look forward to my next "bonding sessions" with my girls.

Make every moment count. Everyday I do try to be better and this hat I wear called "Mommy" is often very challenging however I push through. I am learning to love more intentionally with my girls and it does get better by the day. 

I also learned that I do not have to have it all together all the time and that it really is okay to take a day or so to refill and just tend to myself and my family and that is what matters anyway.

Practice, makes perfect.

This is my family. We are The Louws and we stick together.


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