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Showing posts from 2015

Say NO to Bullying!!

A few days ago my husband shared a story with me about a girl who has been bullied at school for the last three years. For three years this girl was horribly mistreated by girls in her own grade, I am not allowed to say anything further as the case is still being investigated. My heart right now is so saddened that this is our reality at schools and I would like to be a part of creating awareness and making this 'bullying' stop. This will be the first of a few posts where I will be addressing the topic of 'bullying' especially in schools.  So what is bullying? Bullying is an aggressive behavior amongst school children. Often the behaviour is repeated. Bullying includes the following: - threatening - teasing - name calling -hurting someone - excluding them from a group on purpose - humiliating someone infront ofpeers  Where does Bullying happens? - it happens at school -in the playground - on school outings - on the way to school -

My Thoughts today...

I am learning to be assertive and let go when people have served their purpose in my life, its not easy but its OK, I am learning that there are seasons in life and as seasons go by so does people in my life too, some are there for a season and some are there for a life time but I am learning to be present through all seasons no matter how tough...God helps me through these seasons of transition...all the time. ALSO another thing I am learning in this season is, just because someone is unresponsive to you for whatever reason it doesn't mean that I must change my way of doing things, if I am naturally caring, friendly and so on, just because one person fail to acknowledge me doesn't mean I must change my demeanor. Life is busy and so are we all however we need to decide to pause and "make" time for the ones whom we want to have in our lives. You can never be too busy for the people whom you love and enjoy being in your life. if you are struggling with emotions espe


It is #27 days till my birthday what a year!! I am in awe of what God has had me do this year so many creative moments, so many milestones achieved, so many "new beginnings" new visions, so many tears, so many healing moments physical and emotional, just so many of a lot of stuff. I have been challenged , still growing , still being molded, still learning. I really have walked out my word for this year which is "RESILIENT" I have indeed "bounced" back and overcame so many things, I still am overcoming.What has been "one" thing that has been a highlight for you? Comment below ;)

A Little Encouragement

A little encouragement for the month of November let us remind ourselves daily to be thankful for all of what God has done for us, often we can get discouraged about the place we find ourselves in whether it is a struggle with finances, children not obeying , family relationships that tugs at us or frustrate us , maybe it's a struggle we have had for many years however Everytime we get to that place of discouragement let us REMEMBER where God has taken us from, let us remember how He brought us to a place of victory every time! I was reading Joshua 24 this morning and God asked Joshua to tell Te tribe to pick up 12 stones and they must lay it at the place where they will camp after crossing the rive Jordan, God wanted them to always remember where he brought them from and had brought them through. Let us remember today and give thanks to God where He has brought us through and from! ““Yes, GOD, your God, dried up the Jordan’s waters for you until you had crossed, just as GOD, your

His Mercies are New Every Morning...

Good Morning Lovely How many times have you heard these words "You are worthless", "Sorry excuse for a mother", "You are nothing!!", "You are NOT worth it!" , "You are a hypocrite", "You are nothing but a...(fill in the blanks)". Oh boy what a way to start a blog of ENCOURAGEMENT...Please bare with me for a moment while I share my heart. I have heard these exact words over and over and as the years went on those words became less and less, why am I sharing this because I struggle when I get lashed out at with words like this  words that attack my character as a person , words that degrade me as a human being. So what do I do when I get attacked like this , I fight back , I fight back with my words, my bad behavior and I look nothing like the "model" Christian anything but that... I have struggled with this every time God has told "be still" and every time the taunts become too much the words ring in

Our deepest fear by Marianne Williamson

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberate others.- Marianne Williamson I wanted to start writing again and so I thought I would share my favorite quote. enjoy! 

Dear God...

Day 4: The Proverbial Girl

SAY WHAT? She will be a 5-star friend at all times. BREAKDOWN: Imagine booking a night in a fancy hotel. You are so excited. You take in all it's beauty as the clerk at the front desk checks you in. You can't wait to get into your own private room, but when you do arrive you are greeted with chaos. The room doesn't appear to have been cleaned, the bathroom floor is sticky and the shower looks like it's been used by everyone else in the hotel. You're confused because the hotel has received a 5-star rating, but what you are experiencing is a 2-star disaster! We often become friends in the same manner when we "check-in" to what we believe will be the perfect friendship, only for it to end up being a complete nightmare. She lied on you. She betrayed you. She let you down. Let's face it, none of us have been the perfect friend, and the only friendship whose quality you can guarantee is your own. John 15:15 tells us that Jesus calls us frien

Day 4: Proverbial Girl

SAY WHAT? Can God Trust Me? BREAKDOWN: Who's on your team? Our life is like a team and we are the team captain. We have the opportunity to manage our team, and that includes the people you encounter every day–your parents, siblings, friends, classmates, and yes, even your teachers. God blesses us with different types of relationships that He trusts us to handle well. Even when people are hurtful or annoying, like little brothers or sisters, He expects us to handle them with love and with kindness. Now ask yourself this question, "Am I helping or hurting my team?" It's easy to help the team when you feel appreciated and valued, but that task can be a bit more challenging when the team hurts us. Jesus is such a great example. God trusted Him with a great assignment, and Christ showed the greatest love to people who didn't love Him back. He was able to do this because He trusted God. "Her husband can trust her." Trust is the key to this wis

Day 3: Proverbial Girl

SAY WHAT? Can God Trust Me? BREAKDOWN: Who's on your team? Our life is like a team and we are the team captain. We have the opportunity to manage our team, and that includes the people you encounter every day–your parents, siblings, friends, classmates, and yes, even your teachers. God blesses us with different types of relationships that He trusts us to handle well. Even when people are hurtful or annoying, like little brothers or sisters, He expects us to handle them with love and with kindness. Now ask yourself this question, "Am I helping or hurting my team?" It's easy to help the team when you feel appreciated and valued, but that task can be a bit more challenging when the team hurts us. Jesus is such a great example. God trusted Him with a great assignment, and Christ showed the greatest love to people who didn't love Him back. He was able to do this because He trusted God. "Her husband can trust her." Trust is the key to this wis

Proverbial Girl Day 2

SAY WHAT? Your results are inaccurate if you measure yourself with the wrong thing. BREAKDOWN: She was my cousin and she was beautiful. Not only was she beautiful, but she had everything she wanted and everything that I wanted, too. I remember going to her house to play. Her room was every girl's dream: pink and white with a beautiful canopy bed in the middle, and a Barbie dollhouse almost big as my own! While I was happy to play with her, I secretly measured my value and worth to her beauty and the things she had. Against what do you measure your worth? When determining who's taller, we use a ruler. When deciding the right amount of liquid in a container, we use a measuring cup. When looking to see how much weight we gain or lose, we use a scale. How silly would it be to measure your weight with a tablespoon, a glass of water with a ruler or salt on a scale? Pretty silly, huh? "For her price is far above rubies." Her price is known because her worth h

Proverbial Girl Day 1

Hi Sisters Join me in doing the devotional called : Proverbial Girl for the next 7 days! Be blessed! SAY WHAT? What you're actually worth is more valuable than anything on the earth, and that's priceless. BREAKDOWN: My kids love bread, and although I hate bread, I love it, too. I especially hate bread when they place it on the table at restaurants. I usually give the waiter or waitress the evil eye as I say to myself, "Now you know you're wrong for putting that delicious, buttery, hot bread on my table". As tempting and delicious as that bread is, it has absolutely no nutritional value. So, I stopped allowing the servers to put it on the table altogether. "For her worth is far above rubies" (Proverbs 31:10). How is this possible, and what makes this Proverbial Girl so valuable? What makes her valuable is not what's on the outside, but everything she responsibly deposits on the inside, like personal quiet time with the Father, healt

Rejoice in Him for He is Good!

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