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My Natural Hair Journey

I started my natural hair journey started way before in 2009 however in 2012 when my hair started falling out after I gave birth to our last born Sai. I couldn't understand the hair loss and one day I just decided to cut off hair to kinda even it out.

I then went to a hairdresser to have it shaped and I have never looked back. I loved how my hair curled naturally and I began to embrace my new found natural hair.

Although I stopped straightening my hair I still did some heat styling here and there.but for the most part I just did the "wash and go". I used conditioner for my hair and nothing else.

So from 2012 - mid 2016 conditioner was my styling product. I didn't even know that Aunty Jackie's existed. A lady named Gillian Joy Titus introduced me to the Cape Town Naturally group and that same lady told me about Aunty Jackie's and since that time I have been exploring with product.

I have also since tried Curl Chemistry for my hair and my hair loves it. So I am using that and Aunty Jackie's .
Embracing my natural hair has really allowed me to love me as I am. And if I must really think about it, I have been.natural all my life. I don't use.make up ever, I only used it when I was in a modelling competition however I do not use it daily. I don't even do.lipstick.

I have always been a " take me as I am kind of girl"and that has never failed me. Embracing my hair has just been an added plus natural.journey. Embracing myself has given me confidence and its also given me much  boldness. It takes courage to walk.around with BIG hair and owning it. Embracing my natural hair has allowed me to take better care of.myself and its also taught me the importance of nurturing.myself.

I am good at nurturing others and I often forget about myself and this happens quite often with females. However I have intentionally started to make time for myself, my hair and just generally my emotional state.
Trying new hair styles without blowing my hair has been quite an.adventure. I am loving every minute.

There are two characteristics that I love about myself and that is MY HAIR and MY SMILE
and that no one can take away.

What's the one or two things that you love about yourself?


  1. I'm not being a copy cat or anything my friend, I also love my hair and my smile! Thank you for sharing your journey with u

  2. I literally only saw your comment now :) Love you!!


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