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Showing posts from 2014

Stop and Look!

About a week ago, I had phone issues my trackball wouldn't work and I became very frustrated after numerous attempts of not getting the trackball to work I knew I had to either have it fixed by someone who knows about fixing such things or get a new phone, the latter was not an option, I can't afford a new cell phone so I needed to fix the one I had. After a hard day at work I walked into a shop where there is also a cell phone tech dude, for the life of me I don't know how I never even gave a glance towards this guy and I often go to that shop. He resulted in fixing my scroller and what happened after that was all God, you know that moment when you are so frustrated and you just like saying to God 'Lord! When am I gonna get a break?' And you are close to tears and BOOM! Breakthrough happens, well that's what happened to me last week, this guy not only fixed my phone but he was a great part of fixing my eyes upon Jesus and looking through the eyes of the Lord, i


Sister friend...

Sister just say this prayer...


Sister join in on the October GRATITUDE Challenge #31 Days of Gratitude

Sister... Don't change...

Sister ...Always Believe in YOU!

Sister know this...




Sister sometimes you have to!!

All of my life I have either had to let people in my life and most of the time I was letting people go, I always thought there was or must be something wrong with me, until I realized what was actually right in me and the people I was letting go of was not seeing the "right" in me...  #truestory #setyourselffree

Sister ...


She smiles at the future


Say this out LOUD! " I AM STRONGER!"

You are Enough!

There is power in CONFESSION...

I have had the most horrible week! Yeah you heard me, Spiritually I felt in a slump it was as if something heavy was on me and my family especially my husband and I and to top this week off we overslept this morning. I got up and I looked a t myself in the mirror and I said to satan "Get your hands off my family in Jesus Name! We are the head and not the tail!" Do you know what happened, I experienced the most amazing peace over me. My circumstances has not changed much yet I have the utmost confidence in the Lord that it will change today still! My hope is in Him, my Heavenly Father who has never failed me! Take back what the enemy has stolen from you and your family by confessing what God says in His Word! I did it this morning, so can you!! The enemy has been defeated!! In Jesus Name!! Victory is OURS!!

Day 18: Joshua 18

So Joshua said to the Israelites: "How long will you wait before you begin to take possession of the land that the LORD, the God of your ancestors, has given you? - Joshua 18:3 How long are you going to sit in your situation before you make a move? While you are waiting for God to move, God is waiting for you to move... Take a step in Faith and see how God will reward your faith! Breakthrough is here step in it! Joshua 19 and 20 - Read on your own, we'll do recap on Monday! Have a COURAGEOUS day and weekend! In His Love, Zenneline Louw

She Loves herself!!

She Builds Up!

Learn your craft (God's Word) Sister!

I was reading someone's status update yesterday and this person is very passionate about his craft and he was "exhorting" other dancers who profess to be "hip-hop" dancers and teachers at that and also saying to them "learn your craft" and you know what that reminded me of, it reminded me of myself when I called myself a Christian in my early walk with the Lord and I didn't know the Word of God to the full extent I should have and I stand here today with much gratitude in my  heart because 4 months ago I decided to fully get to know my "craft" which is the Word of God and by fully knowing the Word I mean reading and getting to know God and most importantly "obeying" (doing what it says)God's Word, my plea to you brother and sister in Christ and the ones who do not know but especially the ones who profess to be Christian  ‪#‎ learnyourcraft‬ ‪#‎ knowGod‬ 'sWord  ‪#‎ AdonaiKnowHim‬   ‪#‎ Luke6‬ :46

Be Gentle...

"But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife.  And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient,  in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will." 2 Timothy 2:23-26 I read this scripture more than once and I came to revelation that we are Spirit bodies having an earthly experience therefore as verse 24 says "And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient," When we walk in the Spirit we are to be GENTLE, Gentle meaning 'soft spoken' NOT loud, rude or self seeking. When we walk in the Spirit we must seek to understand first rather than to be understood. Often times we get caught in an argument (quarrel) and we want to prove we are 'right' and s

John 16:33

" These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." In His Love, Zenneline Louw

Make room for Jesus...

Good Day Everyone, its been a very chilled day for me, I am home with my baby girl Sai giving her some TLC. I was just thinking earlier how easy it is to get discouraged when we are facing all sorts of trouble like job loss, late payments of salaries, kids going astray, a broken relationship between husband and wife, a loss of a loved one the list is endless. How often in the midst of all our troubles do we actually just call on the name of Jesus for 'help' instead of questioning God about our 'troubles' (it is a norm) however for our circumstances to change we got to stop doing the same things, we have to step out on the water, and reach out to Jesus, knowing that He will keep us from sinking. I am reminded of David, how when he was discouraged he encouraged himself in the Lord. We have the Bible and that's God's word and it has so much comfort and promises for us. Today is a good day to Embrace His Word. When Jesus was tempted in the desert by the devil, He

"Be joyful in hope and patient in affliction..."

While walking to get a taxi this morning God gives me a word and it was this "Be joyful in hope and patient in affliction" this sentence was literally ringing in my ear. I didn't understand it and then when I get to work my husband sent me a message that is basically a notice he received from his boss and it wasn't a good one.  As I went about my work this words kept coming back to me and I typed up the words in the search thingy on Google and low and behold that words is from a scripture in the Bible, it is   Romans 12:12  " Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."  I needed to read the last part   "faithful in prayer"  I want to to encourage you with this word this morning   "be joyful in hope"   who is our hope? it is Jesus,  "be patient in affliction" , do not ask God to remove your trial or your tribulation ask him to strengthen you in the midst of it,   "be faithful, stay constant in


I just want to ENCOURAGE the married ladies out there this Morning, don't ever get weary / tired of doing good for your husbands, pray for him, protect him from words of others, even when you don't feel like it speak life giving words, when you feel angry towards him, pray for him, when we are disappointed don't react out of anger, pray before you speak, the times we live in we are all guilty of being rude and taking things out of context but God has a better way of us relating to our spouses, let us not grow weary of doing good for our husbands because in due season our heavenly Father will reward us(Galations 6:9). Whatever is lacking in your marriage(kindness, love, care, affection, trust, faith, communication, affirmation etc), YOU start sowing that, and see how God will turn things in your favor, in His time. Love unconditionally. In His Love, Zenneline Louw

Happy Mothers Day Beloved!

Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers out there, today I would like to bless you with the following scripture: "The Lord your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17 Mothers let us not grow tired of doing good for in the right time we will receive our reward from our heavenly Father. Stay blessed! In His Love, Zenneline Louw

Friendships ending...

Where I come from friendship is a two way street and for friendships to flourish all parties involved should be evenly invested. You know what I am tired of? I am tired of being used and abused and when I literally can't give anymore then guess what? I am the bad one and I get tossed away like I am 'damaged' goods. Thank you to ALL of my aquaintances that were dressed up as 'Friends' whom have removed me from their lives and the ones whom I have removed. Just a warning to the rest of the world who want to make me their friend, be very careful what your intentions are when you want to be my friend because I will ask you. I know this for sure - I am the friend to others that I want them to be to me. You will not find me take out my frustrations on you, I am too mindful of that, I have however been at the receiving end of others frustrations. Today I refuse to internalize others feelings that they project onto me. I will not be used anymore and be

Time to 'Simplify'...

'Time to SIMPLIFY' God said to me a few minutes ago... I have been in a 'pruning season' since the beginning of the year first I deleted over 200 people off my Facebook, then I cleared out my phone book on my phone and literally removing myself from social networks. I deactivated my LinkedIn account as well as my Twitter Account. Why you might ask? Here's the reason before all of this I was BUSY very busy checking updates for this updating that and it was all futile, however I lost precious moments with my kids, my husband, these distractions have been the cause of many arguments in my marriage. What I have learned is this: 1. Having all of the accounts on social networks actually made me feel 'all over the place' like my energy was all over, when I did remove these distractions I became more centred and at peace.(True story) 2. I wasn't missed, I am still not missed 3. All the people I had on my Facebook, and phone book, not one noticed I was gone or en

Today we are on Day 18: I am a joyful person

While you rad today's Positive Thought you might be thinking "No I am not a JOYFUL person" well the GOOD NEWS is that inside all of resides the positive emotions of the negative that we always conform ourselves to. You are a JOYFUL person it is a CHOICE away, so choose TODAY to be "JOYFUL" INSTEAD of miserable. Have a JOYFILLED day!!

100 Days of Positive Thinking Day 17: I respect myself

Today we are on Day 17: I respect myself There was a point in my life where I didn't respect myself, an ything went, I didn't have standards, morals integrity etc and I allowed people to treat me any which way they felt like it UNTIL the day I decided no more! I will set a standard for myself and I will do my utmost to keep myself accountable for upholding those standards. How can I expect others to respect me if I don't respect myself? It started with me and I made those changes and today I am proud to say that "I do RESPECT myself" I have found my VOICE though it wasn't easy it was WORTH it. You can find your Voice too, You CAN set your own standards and Today you can decide to RESPECT yourself and hold yourself to a high regard so that you CAN be the BEST you were BORN to be!! ‪#‎ 100DOPT‬

100 Days of Positive Thinking Day 15: "I AM VALUABLE"

Day 15: “I AM Valuable” Have you checked your price tag lately? Have you put yourself on the second hand shelf and allowed yourself to be marked down because of what people has said and because you think you deserve second hand , hand me down treatment? Today is the day to dust yourself off and upgrade yourself to the front of the store where everyone admires you and values you for who you are! Yes, “Oh SNAP! It’s YOUR time to SHINE!!”

Day 12, Day 13 & Day 14 - 100 Days of Positive Thinking

Day 14: I AM Successful - Success is not just in business, success is in all areas of your lives, if you were told in your past that 'You are a failure' 'you will never amount to anything' I want to CHALLENGE you today, to release that limited belief right NOW!! You know the one that says 'I AM a FAILURE' 'I WILL NEVER BE as successful as this one or that one'. Where you come from does not determi ne where you are Going! Find a quiet place and clear your mind, now I want you to bring to mind the one thing that you did that you were successful at, whether it be a relationship, a test you passed, a grade you passed, a friendship /partnership you contributed that is /was successful, a project you did that was a huge success. What are you feeling? Acknowledge the feeling and when you are done. Tell yourself or write down 'I AM Successful'  #100DOPT     Day 13: I have a CHOICE - Its the choices we make in life that affects where we will end up to


Today I have this IMMENSE gratitude towards people whom I have known for a season and whom have now either removed themselves from my life with ill intentions or whom has accepted my way of ending our season. I must say I never thought that some friendship doors that I had to close were laying so heavily on my heart and it was holding me back. I do feel FREE and I am moving forward at a pace that is surprising me, ALL GLORY TO GOD! I have such gratitude towards those people who have moved on for whatever reason and I am so filled with JOY this morning that my soul cannot contain it and I want to speak a blessing over each person whom I have had the honor of knowing but who has now moved on, I pray a blessing of GREAT things to come in your life and I PRAY THAT GOD WILL SHOW YOU MIGHTY THINGS AND THAT YOU WILL STAY CLOSE TO JESUS, IN JESUS NAME,MAY YOU LATTER BE GREATER THAN YOUR FORMER, IN JESUS NAME, AMEN! Just a small ENCOURAGEMENT for those out there who is still holding onto to

100Days of Positive Thinking Day 10: I AM grateful for what I have lost for what I have, for what is to come.

Today we continue with  #100Days  of Positive Thinking Day 10: I AM grateful for what I have lost for what I have, for what is to come. An attitude of gratitude for what we have lost makes way for what is to come and an attitude of gratitude for what we have keeps us humble and we appreciate what we have and we are less focused on what we don't have.  So let's take it a bit further, COMMENT below and share with us what you are grateful for whether its something you have lost, you have and something you hoping to receive  . Without you this 100Days of Positive Thinking WILL NOT BE POSSIBLE!

Day 11 of #100DOPT Today's Positive Thought is: I AM all that I need and God of course

Today we are on Day 11 of  #100DOPT  Today's Positive Thought is: I AM all that I need and God of course (Take a moment today and write down the things that you have given energy to that has really NOT served you, the things that has distracted you, the things that has stolen your time) Resolve today that you will remove those things from your life for your own benefit. Happy POSITIVE Friday!! 

100Days of Positive Thinking Day 9: I AM IMPORTANT

Today's Positive Thought is Day 9: I am IMPORTANT - maybe you have always put others first and neglected yourself, one cannot give what you don't have and so you need to put yourself first so that you are your primary concern and so that you are more able to give to others as you have taken care of YOU. It starts with you!

100 Days of Positive Thinking Recap & Day 8: I AM A GOOD PERSON

We are on Day 8 of 100 Days of Positive Thinking and I would like to do a RECAP on the last 7 Days just to remind you how far we have come: Day 1: I am Good Enough Day 2: I am Good Enough (elaborated) Day 3: I am CAPABLE Day 4: I am a Kind Person Day 5: I am a Caring Person Day 6: I am Worthy of receiving Love, Affection & Appreciation Day 7: I CAN say "NO!" to the things that no longer serve m e Today we are on DAY 8  #100DOPT  & Today's Positive Thought: I am a GOOD person. Many times we hear people say "She's / He's a good person" but we never internalize it because when we look in the mirror the story we see is different. We live lives of proving to others that we are good in the hope that somehow being a good person to others that, that will become our reality our truth and yet it doesn't so we continue to do even more. A good person is known by the deeds they do for others but MORE so the deeds they do for themselves that en

#100 Days of Positive Thinking Day 7: I CAN say "NO"! To the things that no longer serve me.

Today is Day 7 of  ‪#‎ 100DOPT‬ , Today's Positive Thought is: I CAN say "NO"! To the things that no longer serve me. Saying NO to the things that no longer serve you is in the context of you ENFORCING or STARTING to put up BOUNDARIES for your own emotional health. You have a choice and a chance to make a change for the BETTER! It's starts with you!! TODAY!

#100 Days of Positive Thinking Day 6: I AM WORTHY of receiving Love, Affection & Appreciation

Today is Day 6 of  #100DOPT  : I AM Worthy of receiving love, affection, appreciation We often put ourselves on the back burner where love, appreciation and affection is concerned, we are used to bestowing all of that on others and we feel that we are not worthy. However if we feel we are not worthy how can we expect others to love us and show us affection and appreciation. We need to learn that whatever we want to receive we should not just pour into others we should first start with ourselves. We cannot give what we are not filled of / what we don't have. It starts with you and me! Start TODAY!!

#100 Days of Positive Thinking Day 5: I AM A CARING PERSON

Today is DAY 5 of  #100DOPT : I AM A CARING person... We are all guilty of at some point of CARING about others 1st before we do ourselves. What today is about is 1. We give (care) for ourselves 2. We receive (care) from others. We give ourselves permission to care for ourselves and to receive care from others. Self-Care Tip #1 : Spend time in a hot bubble bath, wash your hair, cut your nails, pluck your eye brows (4 the Ladies) Self-Care Tip #2 : This one is for the guys, do #1 without the plucking of eyebrows Self-Care Tip #3 : Go get or ASK someone to give you a full body massage to be refreshed and renewed Self-Care Tip #4 : Spend some quality time with yourself listening 2 music, reading a book,watching an inspiring movie Give yourself a break from the busyness of your life, find a quiet place to just sit in silence, or take a walk in a park. If you use your hands and feet a lot to serve others, invest in a hand and foot massage. You are just as important

#100 Days of Positive Thinking Day 4: I am a Kind Person

Today is Day 4 of  #100DOPT . And Today's Thought is: I AM Kind.  Many times we allow others opinions of ourselves u sink deep that it cripples us and we don't see who we really are. Today I want remind you o f the KINDNESS that resides within you. Today I am gonna give you a TASK. Just give you a few things you can do to show Kindness. Remember showing KINDNESS today is more about you coming to realization that you are INDEED a Kind Person. Here is your list of ways you can show KINDNESS:  1. Make your loved one a cup of COFFEE/TEA or even BREAKFAST,  2. Pay for someone's Taxi o nly do number 2 if you are at the means,  3. Give up your seat in the train /taxi/ bus,  4. Say "PLEASE" & "THANK U' & mean it 5. Share you lunch with someone,  6. Carry someone's groceries,  7. Pack away your shopping troll ey when you are done with shopping 8. Write a letter to your children that you have not sp

100 Days of Positive Thinking Day 3: I AM CAPABLE / ABLE...

Today is DAY 3 and Today's positive thought is: I AM CAPABLE / ABLE - no matter what others might or might not have told you, you are CAPABLE of doing ANYTHING you set / put your mind to - 'Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.' Napoleon Hill #100DOPT #EvolutionCoaching

100 Days of Positive Thinking Day 2: I AM Good Enough

I have started a CHALLENGE on my business Facebook page as well as my Facebook Timeline its called "100 Days of Positive Thinking" and I thought I will share it here on my blog as well. So will just pick up on DAY 2 today. I want to encourage you the reader to share this with at least ONE person today! and if you are on Facebook "like" Evolution Coaching to get some cool inspirational pics and more on the days "positive" thoughts. SHARE on your Facebook page and if you decide to join in use this #100DOPT #EvolutionCoaching. Today is DAY 2 and Today's positive thought is: I AM GOOD Enough. Take a moment and look at yourself in a mirror and bring to mind one or two things that you know you are good at. When you are done tell yourself "I AM GOOD ENOUGH". Resolve today that you will no longer allow others opinions of you intimidate you and make you feel any less of yourself. YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH!! #100DOPT  (100 Days of Postive Thinking)  #Evolu